Orthodontics For Teens

Teens and Orthodontics

Ah, the teenage years. Though they come with their fair share of challenges, they’re a great time to address orthodontic concerns. Like kids, it’s important for teens to see the orthodontist both for cosmetic issues and oral health. At this age it’s much easier to reposition teeth and jaws while they’re still growing. Proper alignment can have huge benefits for a teenager’s self-esteem, breathing, chewing, sleeping, and overall health. Our orthodontists are skilled in providing a wide range of alignment services, including:

  • Metal, porcelain, and clear braces
  • Aligners/Invisalign
  • Dentofacial orthopedics
  • Retainers

Smile With Confidence

Techniques for shortening treatment time (OrthoPulse, Acceledent, and Propel)

Gentle Care is fully equipped to give your teen a beautiful smile they can flash with confidence. Being a teenager can be tough as it is… don’t let smile insecurity make it tougher.



We’ll make that smile happen. You deserve it!